¿ Who are we?

About Quinti

Meaning: You may wonder what Quinti means. "Qui" comes from the word of the ancient Tsafiqui language of the Tsáchilas which means half and Inti in Quichua language means sun.

Being located near the equatorial line, our name invites us to unite the two hemispheres, as the sun in the middle is the same one represented in our isotype, which is an elliptical sun.


Our international awards

We are Quinti

Quinti is an operator in Ecuador and Galapagos, we design authentic experiences with local hosts, we specialize in tailor-made trips. Our mission is to offer a different travel experience , personalized and unique, well organized and yet flexible.
We know that our travelers will enjoy getting to know the destination through its streets, customs and sharing with the local people.
Quinti, seeks to generate the best experiences, for this reason we believe that "Slow tourism" is the best alternative for our travelers, this way of traveling promotes the recovery of the basic values of tourism, to achieve a real and true experience. It teaches us to be responsible and conscious during the trip to get into the tradition and the local community being respectful with the environment.

Our commitments:

We travel to awaken the conscience of our travelers, to improve the bond with nature and Ecuadorian culture. A lasting bond is forged through experience and knowledge, our contribution is to raise awareness in our traveling community through our trips about the importance of valuing each natural and cultural resource.
We promote a dignified tourism, which seeks integrity for local actors based on their real protagonism in the tourism scene.
We honor the ancestral wisdom of our taitas y mamas and the effort of our communities to preserve their knowledge and cosmogony.